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Arrange rows in ir objects by column values

Usage, ..., .by_group = FALSE)



An object of class ir.


<data-masking> Variables, or functions of variables. Use desc() to sort a variable in descending order.


If TRUE, will sort first by grouping variable. Applies to grouped data frames only.


.data with arranged rows.


## arrange
dplyr::arrange(ir_sample_data, dplyr::desc(sample_type))
#> # A tibble: 58 × 7
#>    id_measurement id_sample  sample_type   sample_comment          klason_lignin
#>  *          <int> <chr>      <chr>         <chr>                   <units>      
#>  1             37 SW 11-138  softwood      Tsuga heterophyla West… 0.347116     
#>  2             38 SW 11-139  softwood      Pinus monticola Wester… 0.274905     
#>  3             39 SW 11-154  softwood      Pinus strobus Eastern … 0.311760     
#>  4             40 SW 11-158  softwood      Pinus taeda Loblolly p… 0.274715     
#>  5             41 SW 11-178  softwood      Tsuga caroliniana Caro… 0.345870     
#>  6             49 ONP 08-78  old newsprint Australia Paper         0.240786     
#>  7             50 ONP 09-388 old newsprint Eleazer 1997 sample     0.238994     
#>  8             51 ONP 11-450 old newsprint News and Observer date… 0.163485     
#>  9             52 ONP 11-451 old newsprint Houston Chronicle date… 0.240492     
#> 10             53 ONP 11-458 old newsprint Indianapolis star       0.288420     
#> # … with 48 more rows, and 2 more variables: holocellulose <units>,
#> #   spectra <named list>