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ir_new_ir is the constructor function for objects of class ir. An object of class ir is a tibble::tbl_df() with a sample in each row and a list column containing spectra for each sample.


ir_new_ir(spectra, metadata = tibble::tibble())



A named list in which each element contains spectral data for one measurement. Each list element must be a data.frame with two columns and a row for each wavenumber value in the spectra data. The first column must contain unique wavenumber values and the second column intensity values of the measured spectrum of the sample.


An optional data.frame with additional columns containing metadata for the spectra in spectra. Optionally, an empty data.frame can be defined if no metadata are available.


An object of class ir with the following columns:


A list column identical to spectra.


Additional columns contained in metadata.


  spectra = ir_sample_data$spectra,
  metadata = ir_sample_data %>% dplyr::select(-spectra)
#> # A tibble: 58 × 7
#>    id_measurement id_sample sample_type sample_comment             klason_lignin
#>  *          <int> <chr>     <chr>       <chr>                                [1]
#>  1              1 GN 11-389 needles     Abies Firma Momi fir               0.360
#>  2              2 GN 11-400 needles     Cupressocyparis leylandii…         0.339
#>  3              3 GN 11-407 needles     Juniperus chinensis Chine…         0.268
#>  4              4 GN 11-411 needles     Metasequoia glyptostroboi…         0.350
#>  5              5 GN 11-416 needles     Pinus strobus Torulosa             0.331
#>  6              6 GN 11-419 needles     Pseudolarix amabili Golde…         0.279
#>  7              7 GN 11-422 needles     Sequoia sempervirens Cali…         0.330
#>  8              8 GN 11-423 needles     Taxodium distichum Cascad…         0.357
#>  9              9 GN 11-428 needles     Thuja occidentalis Easter…         0.369
#> 10             10 GN 11-434 needles     Tsuga caroliniana Carolin…         0.289
#> # … with 48 more rows, and 2 more variables: holocellulose [1],
#> #   spectra <named list>